Do You Want To Gain Weight Ayurvedic Home Remedy With Cow Ghee And Jaggery For Muscle Building

Do You Want To Gain Weight Ayurvedic Home Remedy With Cow Ghee And Jaggery For Muscle Building

How To Gain Fat: Being too thin is also a problem in itself. Even if it does not bother you in terms of health, it definitely affects your looks. Many times people are so skinny that because of this their confidence also remains low. If you are one of those people, who should not accumulate fat on their body but want to gain healthy weight by making muscles, then this home recipe prepared from jaggery is going to be very useful for you…

You have to do?

  • You need two things jaggery and desi ghee.
  • If your metabolism is good and there is no digestive problem then you can use ghee prepared from buffalo milk.
  • But if you have digestion related problems then you have to use pure ghee of desi cow.
  • This is because it is easier to save cow’s ghee and ghee prepared from buffalo’s milk takes more time to digest.

How to use?

  • In the beginning, take one spoon of jaggery powder and one spoon of ghee.
  • Mix both of them well and consume them after having food or along with food.
  • In the beginning, after using this method for about a month, double their quantity. Means two spoons of ghee and two spoons of mashed jaggery.
  • You can adopt this method till you do not increase the desired weight. It would be best to consume it once a day after lunch.

How does this recipe work?

  • Both jaggery and desi ghee have such properties, which do not increase fat on the body, but work to build muscles and strengthen bones, they increase body mass, not fat, and make your body strong.
  • According to Ayurveda, pure ghee prepared from desi cow’s milk works to pacify the two doshas, ​​vata and pitta, which increase disease in the body. On the other hand, jaggery is hot in effect, but if used in the right way, it gives coolness to the body in summer and works to give warmth in winter.
  • Both these are such foods, which make the body healthy from inside. If they are consumed regularly and in the right way, then healthy tissues in the body, skin cells, hair, nails, eyesight all get great results.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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